Dear Parents and Carers,
The school sports day is fast approaching and will be held on Tuesday 14th May.
As you will be aware, our playground space has been greatly reduced due to the building of our school extension. The grass areas where we would normally have the running lanes and circular track are now inaccessible. We have explored other options however, risk assessments have shown and logistics such as toilets have ruled this out.
Due to the above circumstances and lack of space which drives us to be more conscious of health and safety around the event, we have taken the decision to have the upper school, primaries 4-7, in the morning of Tuesday 14th between 9.30 and 12.00 and the lower primaries, P1-3 in the afternoon between 1.30 and 3.00.
The activities planned will mean that our sports day is more of a “potted sports” rather than a competitive event but we have ensured that every child will have an opportunity to compete in a sprint event.
As always, you are welcome to come along and be spectators on the day! We hope for good weather but in the event of a very wet day our reserve day is Friday 17th May where the times would be altered to 9.00 – 10.30 for upper primaries and then 11.00 -12.15 for lower.
We are sure that we will have your support and understanding around these arrangements given the conditions that we are working under.
Karen Hancock, Heather Galbucci and Brodie Abbott