February 2019

Dear Parent/Carer

This year as part of the School Improvement Plan we are hoping to improve our playground. Many of the children have asked for a quiet area and a bench where they could sit and wait for a friend to play with them to be created. The Friendship Bench would require a coat of paint, so, if you have any outdoor wood paint you no longer use please donate it to the school where we can make good use of it to ensure out playground is bright and welcoming for everyone.

We would also like to repair out outdoor planters which are now beginning to look a bit tired and tattered. We are looking for people who can fix them and make them fit for new plants in the spring. Can you spare a couple of hours to help us get them looking great? This would mean so much to the children and greatly improve the appearance of our playground. Being able to play outdoors with friends is a key factor in ensuring our young people are healthy and happy and for them to begin to appreciate the world around them.

I know this sounds a lot but with your help we can begin to make a real difference to the playground and to the health and wellbeing of our whole school community.