Primary 3 shared the fairtrade message through their fantastic assembly on Friday morning. It was great that their families joined us. Primary 3 told us all about why bananas are a fruit that is very good for you, how they are grown and harvested and how important it is to make sure that everyone involved in the process of getting the bananas on to the supermarket shelf gets a fair price. We loved the bananas song and drumming! Well done everyone.
Author: misstaylor
Have a go, keep trying and if you fall over get right back up……
Well done Primary 5, you did an amazing job on your second ski-ing lesson. You encouraged one another, kept on trying and after falling over (which you all did), got right back up, smiling! Good job!
Shared Learning
Thank you to all our families who joined us for our Shared Learning, it was great to see so many people come along in our Global Citizenship Week. Children were involved in a variety of activities related to Global Citizenship and as it is a day we have specialists families also had an opportunity to visit P5 in Gymnastics and P6 in Drama.
February Parent Council Minutes
Please find the Parent Council minutes from our February meeting.
P2/3 Share Their Learning
Primary 2/3 shared their learning from across the curriculum at their class assembly on Friday morning. Around the story of ‘The Three Little Pigs’ the children performed a musical drama which made us all see the story from the wolf’s point of view. They also told us all about their learning around materials in Science and Technology.
Scots’ Night Celebrations
Thank you to the Cuiken Parent Council Fundraisers Group who supported us in organising a fantastic Scots’ Night Celebration. Calum Lloyd, a former Cuiken pupil started the evening off with an amazing performance on his bagpipes. It was a family event with performances from the choir and Laura Smith’s, highland dance group. Some of our poetry winners gave their recital and many of us had a go with Scottish country dancing. A total of £325.50 was raised for the school, a huge thank you to all who supported this event.
Welcome to Cuiken Parent Council
Cuiken Primary has a very committed Parent Council who are an independent group who work with, and for, the school. We meet every six weeks during term time, to discuss and support the school in its work with pupils, to represent the views of parents, encourage links between the school, parents, pupils and the wider community. We have a sub-committee of fundraisers as well as a very active Gardening and Environmental Group. There is a page on the school website with minutes of past meetings and it is updated with more information about the PC and Cuiken Fundraisers regularly. We would warmly welcome new members. If you would like more information please contact the school or the Chair of the Parent Council, David Watters, directly via email;