Is your child due to start Primary 1 in August 2018?
See attached for information on our enrolment days.
Is your child due to start Primary 1 in August 2018?
See attached for information on our enrolment days.
Volunteer Midlothian are trying to encourage parents and others to volunteer at their local coding clubs which take place in libraries.
If you would like to find out more about volunteering in coding clubs the next info session is Tuesday 14th November at 6pm in Penicuik Library.
Other dates are on the attached flyer
Attached minutes of meeting held on the 1st November 2017
ParentPay – Our New Online School Payment Service
ParentPay is an online payment system for schools. It allows parents to pay quickly and securely for school meals, milk, trips and much more.
I’m delighted to inform you that our school will go-live with ParentPay on 27th November 2017.
The system is easy-to-use and offers parents and carers the freedom to make online payments by credit or debit card, whenever and wherever they like, 24/7.
What parents and carers can do now
Parents and carers will be sent individual letters detailing the account activation procedure nearer the time and user guides will be available online.
We will of course continue to accept cash and cheque payments as necessary but we do hope that parents will use the new online facility. Less time spent in school on cash handling means more time is available to support the smooth running of the school.
P6-S1 Girls Group @ Penicuik Y
Fun activities for GIRLS ONLY. Arts & crafts, games etc. Bring your friends & make new friends. Every Wednesday during term form from 7pm- 8.30pm
50p per week
P6 & P7 Youth Club (All Penicuik Schools)
Strathesk Primary Community Rooms
Fun activities !! You can help decide what you would like to see happening at the youth club. Gym hall
activities, arts & crafts, games. Bring your friends and make new friends.
Every Friday during term time at Strathesk Primary School from 2.30-4pm
50p per week
For further information contact Nicola Grant on 07880988008 or
email (term time only)
Life Long Learning Publicity-197f3hd
Come along and join us for another Shared Learning Session. Please check below for your child(s) class time.
P1 – P2
Shared Learning – School P1 and P2 October 2017-2mrkl6o
P3 – P7
Shared Learning – School P3 – 7 October 2017-pm6lin
Shared Learning – Nursery October 2017-2cyegai
The photographer will be in the school on Monday 2nd October. The photographer will take both family and individual photographs. Please contact the school if you do not wish your child to be photographed. There is no obligation to purchase photos.