Nursery – Primary 3
6.00 – 7.00PM
Primary 4 – Primary 7
7.15 – 8.15PM
Please see attached information on Beeslack High School Opening Evening which will be held on Thursday 11th October 2018 from 6.00 – 8.00pm. Parents of children in P7 and P6 are welcome to attend.
The photographer will be in school on Monday 1st October to take family and individual photographs.
You may be aware that the Sun newspaper has launched a campaign which gives schools the opportunity to receive new school books in return for coupons which are being published daily in the newspaper throughout the week and also in The Scottish Sunday Sun.
We have registered Cuiken Primary School for this and we have a target of 3,500 tokens to collect. They must be cut out of the newspaper and handed into school. Schools have to return the coupons to the newspaper in order to receive the books.
We appreciate that our school community is always very supportive in these events and we are asking you to encourage family, friends, neighbours and work colleagues etc. to collect the coupons for us. This runs from now until the 18th of November.
If we manage to achieve the total of coupons, we will receive a pack of 105 Collins Books worth £550 which would be a great addition in our school.
So, get collecting now! Many thanks for your support with this.
Attached information from the P1 Parent Curriculum Session
Cuiken Enhanced Nurture Provision Leaflet-20hy5bq
Information regarding our Enhanced Nurture Provision
Attached is our School Standards & Quality Report for 2018-2019
ASK Project starts this month based at Penicuik Town Hall but is open to all Midlothian residents as a ‘one door’ information and advice service where they have a number of partner agencies linked directly or awaiting enquiries by phone. They have a direct dial phone number and dedicated email address for enquiries too.
This project links to both National and Local drivers including the Single Midlothian Plan, Midlothian Child Poverty Strategy, Midlothian Financial Inclusion Network & GIRFEC see attached proposal for further information.
They aim to help individuals with direct support, advice or information or to make direct calls to individual departments or support services for, hopefully, immediate supports or answers.
The project includes enquiries about :
Housing – Housing waiting lists, homelessness, arrears, repairs, anti-social behaviour issues etc.
Financial – Debt management – CAB/ CAP, school clothing, free school meals, food banks, clothing for adults & children, Online Banking, Universal Credit & Welfare rights.
Community Support mechanisms & services in each area, Community Police supports and information on volunteering in your own community
Supports – See above for food /clothing & necessary items as well as supports through Adult and Children’s Services, Carers, Kinship and Parent /Carers supports.