School Uniform Shop
We are delighted to advise that you can now order and pay for Nursery and School uniform online.
We are delighted to advise that you can now order and pay for Nursery and School uniform online.
We are holding our Christmas Fair on Friday 14th December from 10am until 12noon.
If you are interested in hiring a table at our Fair please contact Susan Dickson at the school on 0131 271 4580.
Cost of a table is £10.00. (You can bring your own table if you like but the cost would still be £10 for the space).
Please see attached our October issue of the School newsletter.
We are aware that lots of learning happens outside of school. As a school we want to encourage pupils to share their experiences and successes.
We are asking parents and carers to help us keep up to date with all the incredible activities and challenges that your children have been involved in.
Please complete and return the attached if your child has an achievement that they would like to share with us.
Thursday 1st November 2018
9.00 – 9.30am
2.30 – 3.00pm
Why not come along and join us for our next Shared Learning Session. This is an informal opportunity to find out more about the experience your child has in school. See attached for further information
Please see attached information on Beeslack High School Opening Evening which will be held on Thursday 11th October 2018 from 6.00 – 8.00pm. Parents of children in P7 and P6 are welcome to attend.
The photographer will be in school on Monday 1st October to take family and individual photographs.