Positive Relationships and Health and Wellbeing Policy Statements

One of our priorities this session is to improve learners health and wellbeing.  Part of this development is a focus on wellbeing as well as revising our positive relationships policy.  We have attached our DRAFT policies to share with you.  There will be opportunities in the new year to have your say regarding these policies.

HWB Policy Statement-wpq8lz Positive Relationships Policy-1skriw5

HWB Policy Statement-wpq8lz

ParentPay – Online Payment Service

ParentPay – Our New Online School Payment Service

ParentPay is an online payment system for schools. It allows parents to pay quickly and securely for school meals, milk, trips and much more.

I’m delighted to inform you that our school will go-live with ParentPay on 27th November 2017.  

The system is easy-to-use and offers parents and carers the freedom to make online payments by credit or debit card, whenever and wherever they like, 24/7.

What parents and carers can do now

  • If you haven’t already, please create an account with our Midlothian Council website where you can also find out more about ParentPay
  • If you don’t think we have your up to date email address, please email us at cuiken_ps@midlothian.gov.uk by 13/11/17.

Parents and carers will be sent individual letters detailing the account activation procedure nearer the time and user guides will be available online.

We will of course continue to accept cash and cheque payments as necessary but we do hope that parents will use the new online facility. Less time spent in school on cash handling means more time is available to support the smooth running of the school.