Please find the minutes of our Parent Council AGM below. The next Parent Council Meeting is Wednesday 26th October at 7pm, all welcome.
Author: misstaylor
Standards and Quality Report 2015-2016 and School Improvement Plan 2016-2017
Welcome to our Standards and Quality Report for Session 2015-2016 and School Improvement Plan 2016-2017. Within this document we highlight strengths in key areas of our work from 2015-2016 and share our priorities for the new session. We value the involvement and input of our stakeholders in evaluating impact and progress and in planning next steps. Stakeholders include learners, parents/carers, education division staff and the wider community. Any feedback would be welcomed.
Parent Council Minutes 07 09 16
Please find the minutes of the first Parent Council Meeting of the school year below.
Summer Newsletters
Please find below our class newsletters for the Summer Term.
Parent Council Minutes
Please find below the minutes of the May Parent Council Meeting. Please note the Fundraisers’ Meeting is now Wednesday 15th June at 7pm. All welcome.
Class Newsletters – Spring!
Please find the Spring Class Newsletter below.
Parent Council March Minutes
Please find the minutes from the March Parent Council meeting below. The next meeting is Wednesday 11th May at 7.00pm, all welcome.
Easter Bunny Fun
Thank you to our Parent Council Fundraisers Group for organising a really fun evening during the last week of a very busy term. Everyone enjoyed playing in the Bunny Drive and the home baking was lovely!
Primary 5 Share the Fairtrade Message!
On Friday Primary 5 performed a fantastic assembly for our children and their families. They entertained us through their drama featuring the Fairtrade caped crusaders and their musical message to shop fairtrade. I think we will all spend a little longer looking for the fairtrade symbols on our next shopping trip! Our invited families also enjoyed some fairtrade refreshments including some delicious banana cookies and banana loaf, yummy!
Sharing Our Visible Learning Journey
On Friday we welcomed visitors from far and wide, people who wanted to come to Cuiken and hear about our Visible Learning Journey. They were impressed at the climate and ethos in our school and how well our children talked about their learning.